NI Should Not Be Left Behind in UK-Wide Ban on Puberty Blockers – Lockhart

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has expressed her shock at the U-turn by the Department of Health in Northern Ireland regarding a ban on puberty blocker drugs, similar to that in place in other parts of the UK.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Carla Lockhart said,

“In March of this year, the then Health Minister, Robin Swann, confirmed his intention and the Department’s intention to follow the ban on puberty blocker drugs that had been introduced by NHS England. In May, the Government subsequently introduced regulations restricting their use in England, Scotland, and Wales.

It is therefore disturbing that we now have a U-turn by the Department of Health, revoking that intention to ban these damaging medications from being prescribed to young people in Northern Ireland. Of course, the consequences go much further, with fears that the lack of a ban here will result in Northern Ireland becoming a backdoor for these drugs to go to Great Britain where they are banned from prescription.

This issue poses serious questions for the Health Minister Mike Nesbitt MLA and indeed his party. Does this U-turn from Robin Swann’s position indicate that they are now content that these drugs remain available to children and young people in Northern Ireland? If so, they should say so and provide evidence that supports the change in position.

The DUP supports a ban to ensure Northern Ireland is not left behind the rest of the UK on this issue. We urge the Minister of Health to ask the Government to extend this ban right across the U.K. to ensure those intent on exploiting availability in Northern Ireland are foiled, and that local young people and children are afforded the same protection as elsewhere in the U.K.”

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