East Belfast DUP MLA Robin Newton has offered his support to the Gurkha veterans who are staging a hunger strike regarding equal pensions.

Robin Newton said,

“For generations these most brave and loyal soldiers have fought side-by-side with other British regiments in the deadliest and destructive military battles.

These Gurkha soldiers of the Brigade of Gurkhas complete the most arduous of selection processes to join the British Army. They have a record second to none for loyalty and their bravery is without question and confirmed by the 26 Victoria Crosses awarded. For over 200 years these warriors have conducted themselves with distinction in conflicts worldwide in the service of the British Crown.

These former soldiers are on hunger strike about being paid only reduced pensions before 1997.

These most loyal of Her Majesty’s soldiers deserve better. There is a deep sense of injustice at the historic failure to pay the Gurkha veterans at the same pension rate as soldiers from all other regiments.

I call on the Prime Minister to recognise the undeserved hurt injured by those who have given their best years in serving our nation. Boris Johnson needs to put right this injustice.”

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