New Bogside museum another re writing of history attempt - Campbell

DUP MP Gregory Campbell has expressed his concern that a new museum due to open in the Bogside next week seems to fail utterly in telling the true story of peacemaking since 1972, including who the main perpetrators of violence were, those who held the line against them and the mass exodus of unionists from Londonderry’s West Bank, ironically where the museum is located.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said:

“The history of the violent past needs to be told, but in the telling of that narrative it is important that a fair and balanced account of the experiences of all those affected is told.

The new “Peacemakers Museum” due to open in the Bogside next week states that visitors will be allowed to “learn the story of the Bogside community from 1972-2007, including the many ways its people contributed to the transistion from conflict to peace.” Every community has a right for its story to be told, but the question to be asked of this museum is how inaccurate will that distortion of the reality actually be.

Murder and terror began as the IRA set about their campaign of violence. Regrettably this museum appears to be partisan and tells a partial story not based on reality.

The true peacemakers, the police officers, soldiers etc who held the line against terror do not appear to feature even though they were the real peacemakers.

A museum offering a warped view of those who made peace will not contribute to a genuinely shared future.”

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