McAllister should provide evidence or apologise

Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley has challenged Alliance MLA Nuala McAllister about allegations she made against Detective Chief Inspector John Caldwell.

By Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley Peer

Lord Morrow said,

“It is clear there were serious police failings following the horrific murder of Katie Simpson. There is rightly an investigation by the Ombudsman into this.

Yesterday on BBC Good Morning Ulster however, the Alliance Party’s Nuala McAllister made a serious allegation against DCI Caldwell. The Chief Constable has categorically stated that DCI Caldwell is not being investigated by the Police Ombudsman.

Nuala McAllister’s comments are extraordinary, and in light of the Chief Constable’s rebuttal, she should do the honourable thing and immediately provide evidence to back up her comments or else apologise forthwith and correct the record.

DCI Caldwell lives with a serious terrorist threat against him. His family came too close to losing him in a terrorist shooting and he lives with the scars of that attack. The Caldwell family should not have the additional burden of incredibly serious allegations made about DCI John Caldwell based on hearsay.”

DUP Lead Policing Board member Trevor Clarke MLA said,

“Nuala McAllister is a Policing Board member and should always act in a manner befitting of that role.

Whilst there is no doubt that there were police failings in the Katie Simpson investigation, that does not give anyone the right to make a serious public judgement on an officer who has not even been investigated.

I will be raising Nuala McAllister’s behaviour with the Board and asking for the Chairman to review her comments.”

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