Lockhart urges Secretary of State to act on Daithi’s Law

Upper Bann DUP MP Carla Lockhart has called on the Secretary of State to progress secondary legislation provisions in the House of Commons, that would allow new organ donation rules to be introduced in Northern Ireland.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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The DUP representative made the call in a meeting with Steve Baker, Minister of State in the NIO, in the House of Commons today.

Speaking from Westminster, Carla Lockhart said:

“It is one year to this very day that the Northern Ireland Assembly passed legislation known as ‘Daithi’s Law’, named after little organ donation campaigner Dáithí Mac Gabhann who did such a wonderful job of raising this issue and influencing hearts and minds.

Secondary legislation is required for this law to become operational in Northern Ireland. This legislation has the potential to transform the lives of so many people requiring a transplant procedure. We need the Secretary of State to take such legislation forward as soon as possible. He has shown recently his willingness to bring legislation through the Commons that impacts upon the Department of Health in Northern Ireland. My call today is that he brings forward this life saving legislation in the same way.

All MPs representing Northern Ireland are united in this call to the Secretary of State. Let us do this for Daithi, and for all those awaiting that gift of life that comes from organ donation.”

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