Lockhart – “there can be no pandering to victim makers”

DUP Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has commended the Government’s decision to scrap the Legacy Act but warned them against pandering to victim makers and causing further insult.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Carla Lockhart said,

“The DUP has consistently stood against any corruption of justice when dealing with the Troubles. Whilst other parties consented to the prison doors being opened and on-the-runs being issued with comfort letters, we opposed those steps and stood with innocent victims.

The wheels of justice must never be impeded from catching up with those who pulled triggers, planted bombs and took innocent life.

The Government must set out how they will replace the Legacy Act and they must assure innocent victims directly that the Government will stand with them.

I also urged the Secretary of State to use his influence to press the Republic of Ireland to step up and deal with their shortcomings during the Troubles.

The Republic was used as a safe haven for IRA on-the-runs and there are serious and substantial allegations of Garda collusion with republican terrorists which have been unaddressed by the State. Most recently there was a judicial ruling that Dublin should hold a public inquiry into the Omagh Bomb and how it was planned and prepared in the Republic. So far the Irish Government has failed to address this ruling.”

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