Lockhart secures Westminster debate to promote needs of young drivers

DUP MP for Upper Bann Carla Lockhart has secured a debate in Westminster today (Tuesday) calling on the Government to provide additional support for younger drivers.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Speaking ahead of the debate, Carla Lockhart said:

“Young motorists are being offered unaffordable prices for car insurance, with premiums rocketing in the last year. The average cost of insurance for 17-20-year-olds has risen by more than £1,000 from the same time last year. That is forcing young people off the road.

It is incumbent on Government to explore all means of support, and to also monitor the fairness of industry practices within the insurance sector. I am using this debate to highlight the concerns of young drivers, and how being unable to drive is impacting on life experience and employment. I will be urging the Government to mandate the FCA to step in, whilst also exploring the potential impact of measures such as Graduated Driving Licences could help reduce the cost of insurance.

This is an important debate and one which I know will resonate with young people. I trust the Government will listen and do all it can to help young drivers to get onto the road safely.”

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