Irish Government’s ‘hard border’ hypocrisy must be called out: Lockhart

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has said that Irish government hypocrisy on a so-called ‘hard border’ must be called out.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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She was speaking after the Prime Minister confirmed to her that the Secretary of State is seeking clarification from the Irish authorities about continued free movements across the border.

Speaking after Prime Minister’s Questions the DUP MP said, “The former Taoiseach infamously waved a picture of a bombed customs post in front of EU leaders warning that any imposition of a so-called ‘hard border’ would threaten a return to violence. The Irish Government also helped build up claims that even the erection of a camera on the border would provoke an eruption of civil disobedience.

After countless claims about the United Kingdom’s supposed disregard for the Belfast Agreement the Irish Government has now tasked Gardai to police immigration issues. This arises from an unsubstantiated claim that 80% of asylum seekers coming to the Republic are doing so via Northern Ireland.

This issue brings into stark focus the hypocrisy of the Irish Government when it comes to the border. The Republic of Ireland should respect the United Kingdom and our borders, just as they were so keen to demand for themselves. The UK Government must not only challenge that hypocrisy but also request that the Irish Government provides some evidence for their claims about the origin of illegal migrants in the Republic.”

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