Speaking after raising the issue in Westminster, Lord Dodds said:
“The DUP has always been a strong advocate for the pension triple lock, which we successfully championed during our Confidence and Supply arrangement with the previous Government. This vital mechanism ensures that the state pension increases in line with the highest of inflation, wage growth or 2.5%, providing crucial support for pensioners across the United Kingdom.
However, there is much speculation as to the Government’s commitment to this important safeguard for pensions. The recent appointment of a Pensions Minister who has previously described the triple lock as “messy” and suggested it needs to be replaced has raised genuine fears of another Labour raid on pensioner support, following their disgraceful decision to strip many pensioners of winter fuel payments.
Such remarks raise serious questions about the Government’s long-term intentions regarding this vital protection. Furthermore, given that the Leader of the Opposition has suggested more means testing is required in relation to Government support, pensioners cannot rely on the Conservatives to stand strong on this issue. To be clear, the DUP categorically reject any suggestion of means testing pensions, which would undermine the universal nature of this support.
While I welcome the Minister’s assurance that the Government will honour its commitment to the triple lock for the duration of this Parliamentary term, we will continue to be vigilant to Government action on pensions. The DUP will continue to support pensioners and fight for mechanisms like the triple lock to ensure a fair deal from Government.”