Girvan marks 15th anniversary of Massereene attack

South Antrim MP Paul Girvan has said the 15th anniversary of the Massereene Barracks shooting is a reminder that whilst we have made significant progress in Northern Ireland, we should never be complacent.

The DUP MP said, “The murder of Sappers Mark Quinsey and Patrick Azimkar will not be forgotten by the people of Antrim or across Northern Ireland. It has been marked today by the Royal British Legion and as in previous years the local community have also organised a commemoration at the gates of the former barracks.

The attack in 2009 was a stark reminder at that time of the attempts to drag Northern Ireland back. It was followed just two days later by the murder of Constable Stephen Carroll who we also remember at this time. We know there are still those same elements present in our society who do not wish to see our society at peace, but the work of our police and security services must be credited with thwarting so many of their efforts over the years.

Last year was the first year since statistics have been collected that no one was recorded as having lost their life in a politically motivated murder in Northern Ireland. That is a measure of the progress we have made, but we should not become complacent but ensure we continue to strive for a better and more peaceful Northern Ireland.”

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