Fair deal for motorists must be priority for new Government – Girvan

South Antrim DUP Westminster candidate Paul Girvan has said the next Government must do more to alleviate the cost pressures on motorist, by maintaining a freeze on fuel duty whilst also ensuring fairness in fuel pricing through a more robust investigation of pricing by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). Mr Girvan also said the DUP would support a more robust investigation into the insurance industry, given the rise in the cost of car insurance premiums.

Paul Girvan said:

“Motorists are still feeling the pain of high petrol and diesel prices at the pump, and it can be a major contributor to the financial pressures faced by many households across Northern Ireland.

In the last Parliament, DUP MPs were consistent in opposing any rise in fuel duty and we made that argument effectively to the Government in the interests of all drivers. We were also at the forefront of raising the very valid concerns of motorists relating to the extreme hikes in the cost of car insurance premiums.

With the polls predicting a Labour Government after 4th July, it is deeply concerning that Keir Starmer has not ruled out the potential for increases to fuel duty. That is why a strong DUP voice in Parliament will be needed, putting forward the case for Northern Ireland’s motorists. This cost pressure is particularly pertinent here given our dependence on the car, due to the lack of public transport alternatives in many rural areas. We will stand strong against any rise in fuel duty.

Furthermore, we will advocate for the Competition and Markets Authority and Financial Conduct Authority to launch a full investigation into sky-high insurance premiums, particularly being levied upon young drivers. Greater transparency in pricing is essential, and we must remove barriers to young people being able to drive safely on our roads.

We have worked hard on these issues during the last Parliament, but much more work is needed to ensure the needs of motorists in Northern Ireland are heard by the next Government. Costs must be kept under control, or the very real prospect of being priced off the road will be faced by more people in Northern Ireland.”

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