Election of Leader & Deputy Leader

DUP Chairman Lord Morrow said,

“Following our internal democratic processes Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP has been re-elected as Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party and Gavin Robinson MP has been elected to serve as Deputy Leader.

By Lord Morrow of Clogher Valley Peer

DUP Leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson said,

“It has been an honour to serve as not only the DUP’s leader but also the leader of unionism. I thank colleagues for their renewal of my mandate to serve.

I want to thank Paula Bradley for her service as Deputy Leader and Party Officer. Paula was returned to Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council at the recent local government election and she will continue to serve her constituents as well as remaining active within our ranks.

When first elected leader in July 2021 I said that my focus would be the restoration of Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom. That remains my focus. Aligned to this objective is the coalescing of pro-union people around the DUP’s message.

The way forward for unionism must mean less hunting for heretics and more encouragement for converts. We remain focused on delivering on our plan for Northern Ireland and promoting the Pro-Union message. Across the Pro-Union community, it remains my view that there is more that unites us than divides us.”

Deputy Leader Gavin Robinson said,

“I am honoured that I have been elected to serve as Deputy Leader. I look forward to continuing to work with colleagues at every level within the party as we seek to deliver on our election commitments.

A new generation of unionists are stepping forward to serve at every level within our party and in service to Northern Ireland. We all share the desire to play our part to help shape Northern Ireland into an even better place to live and work.

I am excited that the DUP’s membership is growing as more and more people step forward to play their part in their local areas.

I look forward to visiting every part of the country and playing my part in building and promoting the Pro-Union cause as well as working to deliver on our plan for Northern Ireland.”

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