Responding to the decision, the South Antrim DUP MLA said:
‘‘This assessment is made independently by MI5 and we have been assured that the decision to reduce the current threat level is based on accurate and up-to-date intelligence.
However there is a clear need to remain vigilant. We have been here before. The callous attack on DCI John Caldwell demonstrates the residual threat of dissident republicans as well as the risks endured day and daily by our dedicated police officers.
This is not the time to stand still or take a step back in the fight against terrorism in Northern Ireland. Those efforts must continue. The Chief Constable has warned that the continuing perilous state of the PSNI’s finances will have a detrimental impact on the Service’s ability to support national security operations going forward and such a scenario must not be tolerated.
It is absolutely imperative that the Government and the Department of Finance demonstrate their practical commitment to rooting out those minority elements of our society that are only inten on murder and destruction.’’