East Londonderry MP supports Age UK Winter Campaign

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell MP has offered his support to Age UK's 'The Cost of the Cold' report. The report warns of a hidden public health scandal as thousands of people continue to die prematurely from cold-related illnesses because their homes are too cold.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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The DUP MP said,

‘East Londonderry like many constituencies across the UK has been hit with the rising cost of living and phenomenal increases in fuel costs on many of those who are most susceptible, particularly the elderly.

I thank Age UK for highlighting this issue in their report 'The Cost of the Cold' and I support their call for two emergency measures for this winter that the UK Government needs to look at and urgently consider;

· Provide a one-off payment of £50 to all those eligible for the Cold Weather Payment to help with their energy bills.
· Double the Household Support Fund, providing £1 billion of funding so that fewer vulnerable households are forced to make the difficult choice between heating and eating during the coldest months.

This is unlikely to be a brief period of high prices and costs but could well extend right through the next number of months so immediate action is needed to support those most vulnerable.’

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