DUP will continue to deliver for working families – Girvan

South Antrim DUP Candidate Paul Girvan has said the DUP will continue to focus on delivery for working families, with particular focus on increasing support for childcare and a fairer tax system.

Paul Girvan said:

“One of the biggest financial pressures facing working families is the cost of childcare. The lack of access to affordable, flexible and high-quality childcare not only adds a cost burden onto hard pressed families, but it also has a negative impact on employment, recruitment and retention of staff in frontline services in particular.

The DUP is committed to putting more money back into the pockets of hard-working families. That is why the DUP Education Minister, Paul Givan, has already introduced measures to reduce childcare bills for working parents through a Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme. We have also moved to ensure all children access 22.5 hours pre-school education per week.

This is just the start our plan to make things better for working families. DUP MPs in Westminster will seek to increase the Tax-Free Childcare allowance from 20% to 35%, as well as removing the cap on Tax Free Childcare above £2,000.

Our benefits and tax system must also be reformed to support those families who need help. We will press the Government to implement an ‘Essential Guarantee’ in Universal Credit, ensuring the standard allowance cannot reduce below a legal minimum amount required to afford essentials, and to remove the two-child limit on Universal Credit for 3-and 4-child households. For those earning more, we will advocate that the High-Income Child Benefit charge be based on household, rather than individual, income.

Our plan for protecting family incomes is clear, and DUP MPs in tandem with colleagues in the Northern Ireland Executive, will work tirelessly to deliver on that plan, and put more money back into the pockets of local families.”

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