DUP submit minority report on efffectiveness of devolved insitutions

DUP members of the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee at Westminster have opposed a Committee report on the effectiveness of the devolved institutions in Northern Ireland and have submitted a minority report.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart said,

“The fundamental problems threatening the stability of devolved government is the undermining of the consent and cross-community support provisions at the heart of the Belfast Agreement.

Reform of the institutions should be about ensuring good government and building a better Northern Ireland, not being used as a short-term tool to punish or embolden, one party or community,

Entering a discussion about key protections and safeguards as if they are the problem is deeply inappropriate, unwise and the last thing Northern Ireland needs now.

The report ignores many of these key issues and that is why DUP members have submitted a minority report.”

The Committee report can be viewed here:

The DUP Minoirty report can be viewed below.

NI Affairs Select Committee - Minority Report by DUP on Scribd

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