Democracy never the first choice for Sinn Fein

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has criticised Sinn Fein's attitude to democracy. His comments follow remarks from Michelle O'Neill after her talks with the Secretary of State.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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The DUP MP said, "Over recent weeks Sinn Fein repeatedly called for the imposition of ‘joint authority’. Last week in the Dail, Mary Lou McDonald described it as the "only alternative" if there was not an agreement to form an Executive by the deadline.

The Secretary of State eventually made a statement clarifying the matter but held off on an election date. Sinn Fein then went off message from everyone else actually calling for an election when every other Party and commentator in the Country was indicating the pointlessness of holding one now.

Having remained silent on the issue last week, Michelle O'Neill is now talking about the "legal obligation to call an election”. democracy is never Sinn Fein's first choice.

An election won't resolve the fundamental issues facing Northern Ireland. Only through dealing with the Northern Ireland Protocol can devolution be restored. If that happens then devolution can be restored on the basis of the Assembly election result.

The opportunity was there for Sinn Fein and other parties to help avoid the current situation. Instead of acknowledging the issues caused by the Protocol they were demanding its rigorous implementation and blocking any discussions at the Executive table."

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