The East Londonderry MP said.
“Almost four years ago the then Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn was due to visit Northern Ireland. I learned of the visit in advance and despite Jeremy Corbyn's association with Sinn Fein, the IRA and his support for a United Ireland, I contacted him on several occasions to get a meeting with a range of relatives of those who had been murdered by terrorists in Northern Ireland.
Despite repeated attempts to get Mr. Corbyn to the meeting he did not attend, it is for him to explain why these families were not deemed worthy of his time.
It now transpires that he is back in Northern Ireland, this time as a former Labour leader. Once more it appears he is extremely selective in who he speaks to and where he goes. He is due to speak at a 'Bloody Sunday' event and also at other functions in Creggan, Londonderry.
His speaking engagements are on the West Bank of Londonderry, from where thousands of Unionists fled their homes during the period he is coming to speak on. Yet there is still no acknowledgment from him of the extent of that Exodus, or the indiscriminate terrorist campaign that those who were forced to flee their homes were subjected to.
If Kier Starmer is trying to put some distance between his leadership and that of Jeremy Corbyn, he would do well to take account of the wider picture, as opposed to the prejudiced and partisan outlook taken by his predecessor.
Countless families across Northern Ireland who lost loved ones at the hands of sectarian murderers will be watching closely the position taken by the current Labour leadership.”