Communities Minister’s reform of housing points welcomed

DUP East Antrim MLA Cheryl Brownlee has welcomed the commitment by Communities Minister Gordon Lyons to reform the Housing Executive points-based system for applicants who have been intimidated.

By Cheryl Brownlee MLA

East Antrim


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Mrs Brownlee raised the issue during Questions to the Minister in the Assembly today. Speaking afterwards she said,

"The current points-based housing system is failing vulnerable people by prioritising intimidation over genuine need. It is deeply troubling that victims of domestic violence can receive fewer housing points than their perpetrators. This system, as it stands, not only exacerbates unfairness but also risks being exploited by those with connections to criminal activity.

It is unacceptable that perpetrators of violence could be fast-tracked for housing while genuine victims, often women and children fleeing abusive situations, are left behind.

Our housing allocation system must reflect fairness, integrity, and compassion, ensuring that those in greatest need are prioritised, not those who can manipulate the system.

I welcome the Minister’s recognition of this issue and urge swift reforms to ensure that housing support is allocated based on genuine need, not intimidation points that can be abused by criminals.”

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