City Deals 'pause' must be lifted following Londonderry/Strabane deal sign-off – Campbell

DUP MP for East Londonderry, Gregory Campbell, has stated that the signing of the £300m City and Growth Deal for Londonderry and Strabane will serve as a catalyst for economic growth in the area and must be seen to benefit all communities. He also urged the Secretary of State to ensure that the Treasury lifts the pause placed on the Causeway Coast and Glens City Deal, as well as the Mid South West Deal.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Gregory Campbell said:

"Today is a good day for Londonderry and Strabane, marking the culmination of the City Deal commitments secured by the DUP as part of our Confidence and Supply arrangement with the previous Government. This significant funding package can be a catalyst for economic growth, as well as delivering improvements to the cultural and tourism offerings in the area.

In signing the deal today for Londonderry and Strabane, the Labour Government has honoured the commitments made by the previous Government to the people of this region. They now need to do the same for the people of Causeway Coast and Glens, and the Mid South West Regions. The ‘pause’ placed on these City Deals must be lifted, and work must recommence at pace to progress much-needed investment in these areas. We are making this case to the Government and urge them to act honourably and stand by these deals.”

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