Childcare Subsidy Scheme a step forward for working families

DUP Childcare Spokesperson Diane Forsythe has welcomed news that almost 10,000 children have been registered for the Northern Ireland Childcare Subsidy Scheme brought forward by Education Minister Paul Givan.

By Diane Forsythe MLA

South Down

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The South Down MLA said, “Childcare is a huge financial burden for many families and this scheme aims to help reduce that and to make it easier for parents to return to work or to remain in the workforce. Within a few weeks of opening to have 10,000 children registered demonstrates the importance of this issue for parents across Northern Ireland.

The DUP will continue to seek opportunities to help working families, and whilst this scheme alone will not tackle problem of affordable childcare for everyone, it is a very welcome step forward. By working with childcare providers and with Early Years as the delivery agent it has meant that practical help has been able to be brought forward quickly following the Minister’s initial announcement.

Whilst parents who register now will not receive September payments, anyone who hasn’t signed up should do so as soon as possible.”

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