Chancellor devastating local businesses while seeking global trade agreements

Upper Bann MP Carla Lockhart has said that despite what trade deals the Chancellor of the Exchequer secures, family farms and small businesses across the United Kingdom are being decimated by the impact of her Budget.

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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The Chancellor was addressing Parliament following her three-day trip to China. Commenting, Mrs Lockhart said,

“Whilst the Chancellor has the time to visit China, New York, Washington, Toronto and Brussels to build economic relationships, family farms and small businesses across the United Kingdom are being devastated by her Budget. Whilst they are being taxed to death, the Chancellor has not been able to find the time to speak to local farming unions.

Agriculture is the backbone of our nation and the economy of many regions across the United Kingdom. Trade deals struck across the world are very welcome, but whilst she is jetting across the globe, homegrown vital businesses are facing a bleak future. The Chancellor and this government needs to take a look at what is happening closer to home.”

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