Campbell hosts victims meeting with former Shadow Secretary of State

East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell met former Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Tony Lloyd MP this morning. The meeting included Kenny Donaldson from SEFF and innocent victims of terrorism.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Commenting afterwards the DUP MP said, "This was a useful opportunity for victims to meet with a leading Labour MP. It isn't the first time I have arranged for victims to meet with Mr Lloyd, having done so previously in the aftermath of Jeremy Corbyn's refusal to meet with victims when he visited Northern Ireland.

There is great anger among victims towards the Government's proposals which would see a de facto amnesty offered to terrorists in Northern Ireland. That message was delivered very clearly to Mr Lloyd. Many victims will be wary of the Labour Party's position given the stance of its previous leader. However, this issue is an opportunity for MPs from beyond Northern Ireland to choose to stand on the side of victims and oppose the Government's proposals."

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