Campbell hosts meeting with Health Officials on Causeway Hospital.

Gregory Campbell MP in conjunction with the local campaign group Causeway SOS held a meeting with the Health Permanent Secretary Peter May, Chief Executive of the Northern Health Trust Jennifer Welsh and other senior officials.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Commenting afterwards the East Londonderry MP said,

'I was approached by the local campaign group Causeway SOS to help arrange a meeting with senior officials given the recent decision regarding the move of maternity services from Causeway to Antrim and the need for the Trust to demonstrate their commitment to the Causeway Hospital site by ensuring that vital services continue to be offered there instead of moved elsewhere. One of the most positive aspects of the meeting was the combined strength of the deputation, which had retired health professionals who had spent many years actually offering some of those services in the Hospital along with community and rural campaigners who could all speak from a local perspective and between us a very strong case was made.

Both the Department and the Trust have indicated there will be a review of how the recent changes have worked in practice and we await that outcome, they also repeated previous commitments to the maintenance of the local Hospital and it's vital services and we now want to see those commitments matched by deeds as well as words.'

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