Campbell – “focus on services rather than divisive border poll”

DUP East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has told the House of Commons that the Government should not be neutral on the Union as being part of the United Kingdom enables people who regard themselves as British, Irish or Northern Irish to call Northern Ireland home.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

“Whilst some politicians in Northern Ireland obsess about a divisive border poll, that is not what the majority of people living here are focused on. Most people want to make Northern Ireland a better place for them and their children. The combined nationalist vote has remained around 40% since 1998, and even they would prefer a continuation of peace rather than the communal uncertainty and tensions that would inevitably occur in the run up to any such poll.

The Prime Minister has previously rightly said a border poll is not even on the horizon and he should hold by that position. The Government should never be neutral on the Union and should challenge those who seek to break up the United Kingdom.

The beauty of Northern Ireland within the United Kingdom is that people can be British, Irish, Northern Irish or somewhere in between and all call Northern Ireland home. In a divided society we must focus on building a genuinely shared future where everyone is valued and made to feel at home.

That means focusing on fixing our public services rather than those wasting massive goodwill and resources on a divisive border poll which they would lose in any case”

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