Adams should tell Troubles truth rather than writing fiction about border poll

The DUP’s East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has urged Gerry Adams to tell the truth about the Troubles rather than his fiction on the outcome of any future border poll.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

“In a rambling interview with the Irish News to promote more of Gerry’s cashing in on politics he says he is “privileged to be alive” when looking back over his life. As one of many targets of republican terrorism I also feel blessed to be alive, others weren’t so fortunate, but I don’t justify or defend a terrorist organisation at the same time.

Adams sounds philosophical but at his core he still, whilst denying being a member, defends and justifies the Provisional IRA. He doesn’t seem to see the irony of his statement. There are thousands of empty chairs across the British Isles because of the PIRA yet Adams speaks of his being “privileged to be alive”.

Rather than waffling about a united Ireland, which he has done for 50 years, Gerry Adams would be better to forget the fiction and write a book about what he knew and what he did. He should chronicle his West Belfast memories of 38-year-old single parent Jean McConville being murdered and her ten children orphaned by the PIRA.

Gerry has been telling his followers a united Ireland was coming for many years, yet any reputable poll shows majority support for Northern Ireland being part of the United Kingdom.”

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