Action on mobile phone use in schools a positive step forward

North Down MLA Peter Martin has welcomed the Education Minister’s guidance for schools on the use of mobile phones.

By Peter Martin MLA

North Down

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The DUP MLA said, “This is a positive step forward by the Minister and it is an example of policy following the evidential base to help pupils and the wider school environment.

Young people, and particularly those in their teenage years face challenges and pressures different to those of any previous generation. Whilst accepting that mobile phones and other technology will be a part of our lives, we shouldn’t be blind to the problems and harm they can bring, particularly for children and young people . This announcement won’t tackle all the issues young people face, but it can make a difference in terms of the misuse of phones in school, helping improve mental health and to provide a better learning environment.

Evidence in other jurisdictions have shown that schools with an effective restriction on phone usage were seeing improvements in their academic achievements. There are already some schools locally with such policies in place and a more standardised approach will be helpful both for the schools to enforce the policy and for pupils and parents to know what is expected of them.

If we are serious about giving our young people the best possible opportunities and to tackle issues such as poor mental health then we must look at every opportunity to do so. Today’s announcement is a welcome move in that direction.”

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