Absolute transparancy needed from BBC: Campbell

The DUP’s East Londonderry MP Gregory Campbell has welcomed the publication of those earning salaries of more than £150k in the BBC but called for absolute transparency given that the BBC is funded by £3.8billion in taxes.

By Gregory Campbell MP

East Londonderry

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Mr Campbell said,

“As license fee payers we fund the BBC yet it remains one of the most secretive publicly funded organisations in the U.K. It is completely out of step with transparency expected from other public funds. The BBC hides behind exemptions when it is asked for details under Freedom of Information.

It took almost a decade of campaigning from myself and others to get the salaries above £150k published. We now need published the full details about how many presenters have personal production companies and how much they are earning through these ‘additional earnings’. In some cases presenters can be paid hundreds of thousands for TV programmes in addition to their published salary. All invoices and receipts for programmes made by companies linked to BBC talent should be published. They should be available under Freedom of Information.

Presenters with their own production company have a huge advantage over production companies that are wholly independent. This needs to be examined as no production company should have an advantage just because they work in the BBC.”

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