A society’s humanity is judged on how it cares for the vulnerable - Lockhart

Responding to the ruling of the High Court against disability campaigner Heidi Crowter, Carla Lockhart MP said:

By Carla Lockhart MP

Upper Bann

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“This is a very sad day for our nation. The highest court in the land

has told those with disabilities that their lives are lesser than those

born without a disability. That is a brutal, cold, discriminatory

message to everyone in the U.K. who is living today with a disability.

I want to commend Heidi Crowter for taking this case. I have been

privileged to get to know Heidi in recent years. She is an inspiration,

so full of life and a zest for living each and every day. She is the

hope that those of us who value life cling to. She is the embodiment of

why disability should not be grounds for an abortion to full term.

How society treats its most vulnerable is a true measure of its

humanity. Today the High Court has given a ruling that shames our

nation. We will keep fighting for what is right, seeking the persuade

more and more people to value all life.”

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